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Friday, November 17, 2023


  1. What is a partial class in C#?

    A partial class in C# allows splitting the definition of a class across multiple source files. When compiled, all parts of the partial class are combined into a single class definition.

  2. Why would you use a partial class?

    Partial classes are useful in scenarios where a class is extensive or generated by a designer. They enable separation of concerns, allowing different developers to work on different parts of the class without interfering with each other.

  3. Can a class be split into multiple partial classes across different assemblies?

    No, all parts of a partial class must be in the same assembly.

  4. How do you declare a partial class?

    To declare a partial class, use the partial keyword before the class keyword in each part of the class definition. For example:

  5. // File 1: MyClassPart1.cs partial class MyClass { // Members and methods } // File 2: MyClassPart2.cs partial class MyClass { // More members and methods }

  6. Is it possible to have methods with the same signature in different parts of a partial class?

    Yes, it's possible to have methods with the same signature in different parts of a partial class. When combined during compilation, these methods will form a single class with their implementations merged.

  7. Can you inherit from a partial class in C#?

    Yes, a partial class can be inherited from just like any other class in C#.

  8. What restrictions exist when working with partial classes?

    Some restrictions include:

  • All parts of the partial class must use the partial keyword.
  • All parts must have the same accessibility (public, private, etc.).
  • Fields, properties, methods, etc., cannot be split across multiple parts; each element must be defined in one part only.
      1. How do partial methods differ from regular methods in a partial class?

        Partial methods are declared in one part of a partial class but can have their implementation in another part. They are optional and the implementation might be present or absent. If not implemented, the compiler removes the calls to these methods.

      2. Can a partial class have multiple constructors across different parts?

        Yes, a partial class can have multiple constructors spread across different parts of the class. When combined, these constructors form a single class with all their constructors intact.

      3. What are some practical uses of partial classes in C#?

        Some common uses include separating auto-generated code from developer-written code (like with Visual Studio designer-generated code), breaking a large class into manageable sections for easier maintenance, and separating interface implementations from the main class definition.

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