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Thursday, June 15, 2023

50 common SQL stored procedure interview questions

Stored Procedure in SQL Server

In SQL Server, a stored procedure is a named and precompiled collection of SQL statements and procedural logic that is stored in the database. It is designed to perform a specific task or a series of tasks and can be called and executed multiple times.

Here are some key characteristics and benefits of stored procedures in SQL Server:

1. Modularity and Code Reusability: Stored procedures promote modular programming by encapsulating SQL logic into a single unit. This allows for code reusability, as the same stored procedure can be called from multiple applications or parts of the database.

2. Performance Optimization: Stored procedures are compiled and stored in a compiled format in the database, which enhances performance by reducing the need for repetitive parsing and optimization of SQL statements. This can result in faster execution times compared to ad hoc queries.

3. Security and Access Control: Stored procedures provide a level of security by allowing control over who can execute them and the permissions required to access the underlying data. This helps in enforcing security policies and preventing unauthorized access to data.

4. Transaction Management: Stored procedures can be used to define and manage transactions, ensuring data integrity and consistency. They allow for explicit transaction control using `BEGIN TRANSACTION`, `COMMIT`, and `ROLLBACK` statements.

5. Parameterized Execution: Stored procedures support input and output parameters, allowing for flexible and parameterized execution. Parameters can be used to pass values into the stored procedure and retrieve results or output values.

6. Code Encapsulation and Maintenance: By storing SQL logic and procedural code in a stored procedure, you can separate it from the application code. This makes it easier to maintain and modify the database logic independently from the application logic.

7. Reduced Network Traffic: By executing a stored procedure on the server side, only the results or relevant data are transmitted over the network, reducing network traffic compared to sending multiple individual SQL statements.

8. Version Control and Consistency: Stored procedures can be version-controlled, ensuring consistency in the execution of database logic across different environments and deployments.

Overall, stored procedures in SQL Server provide a powerful tool for managing and organizing database logic, improving performance, enhancing security, and promoting code reusability.

What is a stored procedure?

 A stored procedure is a prepared SQL code block that is stored in the database and can be executed multiple times.

What are the advantages of using stored procedures?

  • Increased performance due to precompiled execution.
  • Improved security by controlling data access.
  • Simplified maintenance and code reusability.
  • Enhanced database integrity by enforcing business rules.

How do you create a stored procedure?

 Use the `CREATE PROCEDURE` statement followed by the procedure name and its body.

What is the syntax to execute a stored procedure?

Use the `EXECUTE` or `EXEC` keyword followed by the procedure name and its parameter values.

How do you pass parameters to a stored procedure?

Parameters can be passed by including them in the stored procedure definition and using them in the procedure body.

How do you return values from a stored procedure?

Use `OUTPUT` parameters or result sets to return values from a stored procedure.

What is the purpose of the `RETURN` statement in a stored procedure?

The `RETURN` statement is used to exit the stored procedure and return an integer value as a status code.

How do you handle errors within a stored procedure?

Use `TRY-CATCH` blocks to catch and handle errors within a stored procedure.

What is the purpose of the `RAISERROR` statement?

The `RAISERROR` statement is used to generate custom error messages within a stored procedure.

How can you debug a stored procedure?

  • Use `PRINT` or `SELECT` statements to display intermediate results and check the logic.
  • Use debugging tools provided by the database management system.

How can you schedule the execution of a stored procedure?

Use the database scheduler or SQL Server Agent to schedule the execution of a stored procedure at specific intervals.

Can you call one stored procedure from another?

Yes, you can call one stored procedure from another using the `EXECUTE` or `EXEC` statement.

How can you pass a table as a parameter to a stored procedure?

You can use table-valued parameters or XML parameters to pass a table to a stored procedure.

How can you view the definition of a stored procedure?

Query the system catalog views such as `sys.procedures` to view the definition of a stored procedure.

What is the purpose of the `SET NOCOUNT ON` statement in a stored procedure?

The `SET NOCOUNT ON` statement prevents the message indicating the number of affected rows from being returned.

How can you drop a stored procedure?

Use the `DROP PROCEDURE` statement followed by the procedure name to drop a stored procedure.

What is the difference between a stored procedure and a function?

  •  A stored procedure does not return a value directly, while a function does.
  •  Stored procedures can modify data, while functions are usually read-only.
  •  Functions can be used in queries like table columns, whereas stored procedures cannot.

What is the purpose of the `BEGIN...END` block in a stored procedure?

The `BEGIN...END` block groups multiple statements together to form a logical unit of work within a stored procedure.

How can you handle transactions in a stored procedure?

 Use the `BEGIN TRANSACTION`, `COMMIT`, and `ROLLBACK` statements to handle transactions within a stored procedure.

What is the difference between local and global variables in a stored procedure?

  • Local variables are defined and used within the scope of the stored procedure.
  • Global variables can be accessed by multiple stored procedures and sessions.

How can you prevent SQL injection in a stored procedure?

Use parameterized queries or stored procedures with input validation to prevent SQL injection attacks.

Can you use conditional statements like `IF` and `CASE` in a stored procedure?

Yes, conditional statements like `IF` and `CASE` can be used within a stored procedure for decision-making.

What is the purpose of cursors in a stored procedure?

Cursors allow you to process individual rows returned by a query or perform row-level operations in a stored procedure.

How do you return a result set from a stored procedure?

Use the `SELECT` statement within a stored procedure to return a result set.

Can you alter a stored procedure after it is created?

Yes, you can alter a stored procedure using the `ALTER PROCEDURE` statement.

How can you pass a default value for a parameter in a stored procedure?

Assign a default value to a parameter during its declaration using the `= value` syntax.

What is the purpose of the `WITH RECOMPILE` option in a stored procedure?

The `WITH RECOMPILE` option forces the stored procedure to recompile every time it is executed.

How do you capture the output of a stored procedure?

Use `OUTPUT` parameters, result sets, or table-valued functions to capture the output of a stored procedure.

What is the purpose of the `SET ANSI_NULLS` and `SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER` statements?

  • The `SET ANSI_NULLS` statement specifies whether null comparisons are treated as equal or not equal.
  • The `SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER` statement specifies whether quoted identifiers are considered as delimited identifiers.

Can you use dynamic SQL within a stored procedure?

Yes, you can use dynamic SQL statements using the `EXECUTE` or `EXEC` statement within a stored procedure.

What is the purpose of the `sp_executesql` system stored procedure?

The `sp_executesql` system stored procedure is used to execute dynamically built SQL statements.

How do you handle output parameters with `sp_executesql`?

Define output parameters using the `OUTPUT` keyword in the parameter declaration of `sp_executesql`.

What is the purpose of the `sys.sp_executesql` system stored procedure?

The `sys.sp_executesql` system stored procedure is used to execute dynamically built SQL statements with enhanced performance.

How can you retrieve the number of rows affected by a stored procedure?

Use the `@@ROWCOUNT` system variable to retrieve the number of rows affected by the last statement.

What is the purpose of the `SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL` statement?

The `SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL` statement sets the isolation level for the subsequent transactions.

How can you handle concurrent access issues in a stored procedure?

Use transaction isolation levels, locking mechanisms, and proper error handling to handle concurrent access issues.

What is the purpose of the `COALESCE` function in a stored procedure?

The `COALESCE` function is used to return the first non-null expression in a list of expressions.

How can you handle dynamic result sets within a stored procedure?

Use the `sp_describe_first_result_set` system stored procedure to describe the dynamic result set.

What is the difference between a temporary table and a table variable?

  • Temporary tables are physically created in the tempdb database, while table variables reside in memory.
  • Table variables have a limited scope, while temporary tables can be used across sessions.

Can you use a stored procedure to modify table structure?

Yes, you can use a stored procedure to modify table structure using dynamic SQL statements.

What is the purpose of the `SET XACT_ABORT` statement in a stored procedure?

The `SET XACT_ABORT` statement specifies whether a transaction should be automatically rolled back in case of a runtime error.

How can you handle nested transactions within a stored procedure?

Use savepoints and rollback to specific savepoints to handle nested transactions within a stored procedure.

What is the purpose of the `@@IDENTITY` system variable in a stored procedure?

The `@@IDENTITY` system variable returns the last identity value generated within the current session.

How can you control the execution plan of a stored procedure?

Use query hints or plan guides to control the execution plan of a stored procedure.

What is the purpose of the `EXECUTE AS` statement in a stored procedure?

The `EXECUTE AS` statement is used to execute a stored procedure under a specified context or user.

How can you grant permissions to a stored procedure?

Use the `GRANT EXECUTE` statement to grant execute permissions on a stored procedure to specific users or roles.

What is the purpose of the `SET ARITHABORT` statement in a stored procedure?

The `SET ARITHABORT` statement determines whether an error is generated or a warning is issued when an arithmetic overflow or divide-by-zero error occurs.

How can you enable or disable triggers within a stored procedure?

Use the `DISABLE TRIGGER` or `ENABLE TRIGGER` statement to disable or enable triggers within a stored procedure.

What is the purpose of the `SET LANGUAGE` statement in a stored procedure?

The `SET LANGUAGE` statement sets the language for the subsequent statements within the stored procedure.

How can you obtain execution plan information for a stored procedure?

Use the `SET SHOWPLAN_ALL` or `SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT` statement to obtain execution plan information for a stored procedure.

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